
A lesson from my middle…

When you become a parent, there are certain things that you know you are going to teach your littles. You expect to help them learn to walk and to ride a bike. You know that you'll teach them to sing their ABCs, and you pray that teaching them to use the potty will not make… Continue reading A lesson from my middle…


Life in the Proving Grounds

One of the random requirements of my job is that I read over automotive news magazines. I know, it's so very exciting! In general, I skim the pages to see if anything piques my attention, and as I'm far from a car buff, it's usually a pretty quick skim. However, last month an article caught… Continue reading Life in the Proving Grounds


A night in the (mom) life

Tonight, my commute home was doubled due to traffic and construction (thanks ALDOT). My night has been filled with laundry, cooking, laundry, loading the dishwasher, laundry, playing with kids, laundry, bathing a toddler (and painting a seven year old's fingernails at the same time), trying to have conversations with Jason while kids run between us,… Continue reading A night in the (mom) life